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Information on the use of Cookies

In accordance with the Italian Data Protection Authority Decree n.231 of 10 June 2021 (Published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 163 of 9 July 2021), G.G. Macchine S.r.l., as owner of this website, intends to inform the user of the following things.

General Information on Cookies

Browsing the pages of this site, cookies and/or other types of identifiers may be set or read about the browser and/or device in use.

A cookie is a small file containing text strings. It is stored on the computer of those who browse a website for the purpose of recording some information related to the visit as well as creating a system to recognize the user at later times. While browsing a website, the user may also receive cookies on his terminal sent from different websites or web servers (c.d. "third parties"), on which some elements (such as videos, images, sounds, etc.) present on the site that the same is visiting.
Cookies are divided into two macro-categories: "technical" cookies and "profiling" cookies.

Device identifiers, on the other hand, are generated by collecting and processing certain information such as the IP address and/or user agent (browser version, operating system type and version) or other device features, always in order to reconnect certain information to a specific user.

A website can set a cookie on the browser only if the browser allows it through an appropriate preference configuration. It is also true that a browser can allow a particular website to access only and exclusively cookies set by it and not those set by other sites.

Purpose of the processing to which the data stored on cookies are destined

The owner of this site may use cookies or other types of identifiers to:
- Offer access to restricted areas of the site and accessible only after authentication (in this case cookies belong to the macro-category of "technical" and are used to store the browsing session and/ or to facilitate subsequent access from the same device).
- Keep track of user preferences while using the site and/or services contained therein.
- Processing statistical analysis (analytics) about the use of the site and/or the services contained therein.
- Conduct research to improve the content and services offered.

This site does not directly produce profiling cookies: the only cookies generated and managed directly by this site belong to the macro-category of so-called "technical" cookies (which are used with the sole and exclusive purpose of correctly offering the services offered to the public).
The navigation of the site may involve the installation of third-party profiling cookies (such as Google Fonts) necessary for the use of certain functions of the site itself. These cookies are installed only with the express consent of the user; see more details in the "Cookies Used on this site" section of this policy.

Cookies Used in this site

The navigation of the site involves the installation on the user’s browser of cookies of a technical nature, such as those necessary to use site services such as a login, both profiling third parties, such as the use of special typographical styles (fonts), which could set and use their own cookies and/or similar technologies. The use of such cookies and similar technologies by these third parties is governed by the respective privacy policies of these companies and not by this policy, being the owner of this site totally unrelated to the management of such tools and to the processing of data deriving from them.

We list the list of cookies installed by the site, as well as the relative consent expressed by the user; through the options and the button "Save" it is also possible to modify your choices about consent.
We remind you that it is always possible to modify the preferences expressed and to revoke the consent through the black and blue button present on all the pages in bottom left.

List of cookies installed by the site

Cookies deactivation

The most popular browsers can be configured to accept or reject all cookies or particular types of cookies (for example third-party cookies); they can also be set to warn you whenever a cookie is stored on your computer.
Finally, we report the instructions related to the most popular browsers to perform a custom configuration about cookies:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:


Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Apple Safari: